Acacia Wood

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Acacia is a family of Australian native hardwood trees that produce a strong and durable wood historically used for building long-lasting wood items and furniture. Called wattles in its native Australia, It mainly grows in tropical regions. The trees and products are used in many applications ranging from making gum and tanning to commercial timber. The most popular Acacia species used as commercial timber is Australian blackwood, also known as Acacia blackwood. It is a strong wood with good durability.


About Acacia Wood

It has many species, most of which are found in Australia and Africa and also grown in plantations around the world. Australian Blackwood is the most popular Acacia species used for timber. It’s a hardwood with a 1,160 lbf Janka rating and a 640 kg/m3 average dried weight. The trees are about 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall and have a 2-3 ft (.6-1 m) trunk diameter. It is a popular commercial timber in America and other parts of the world.

The heartwood of Australian blackwood is medium golden or reddish brown and occasionally has darker ribbon-like streaks. The grain is straight or interlocked and the texture is fine or medium. It is moderately durable in terms of decay resistance but prone to insect attack. It is generally easy to work with. Due to limited demand, it can be quite expensive but is more affordable than similar-looking Hawaiian koa, which is also an Acacia species. Common uses include furniture, veneers, cabinetry, gunstocks, turned objects, and musical instruments.

Where to buy Sustainable Acacia?

Cameroon Timber Export SARL is a leading exporter, supplier and wholesaler of premium and sustainable Acacia hardwood. We sell timber at wholesale prices and provide worldwide delivery. If you’re looking to buy high-quality Acacia lumber, Contact us to enquire about availability and price. Please send your preferred wood size, dimensions and quantity when requesting a quote.